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Ian Britton

Hi everybody! My name is Ian Britton and I am an upcoming senior and excited to serve as fundraising coordinator for the division in the 2020-2021 Term. I feel that I truly have a passion for service and for Key Club and can't wait to share that this year. Outside of Key Club and my other extracurricular activities, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, writing, and listening to music. I really want to have a great senior year with new friends and new memories and, more than anything, I want Key Club to be a part of that ! :)

Fundraising Coordinator

Buena Park Key Club

Club Board


David Lee

Hi Rhinos! I am David Lee and I serve as your Buena Park Key Club’s Secretary for the '20 - '21 term and also the Kiwanis Family Coordinator. I spend most of my time on NBA 2k20 and watching YouTube. This term is going to be amazing and going to be a fun experience.


Emily Phan

Hey Rhinos!!! I’m Emily and I will be serving as your Treasurer for the ‘20-‘21 term! Some of my interests are sanrio, fashion, and spending most of my time on twitter. I’m also involved in Dance Company and Yearbook! I can’t wait to experience it and make new memories with you guys!!!



Kylie Turk

Hey Rhinos! I'm Kylie and I'm Buena Park's Editor for the '20-'21 term! I spend most of my day playing animal crossing and watching shows! This term will be full of many different experiences and I can't wait to spend my time with you guys!

Bulletin Editor


Nichola Soleta

Hi Rhinos! My name is Nichola Soleta and I proudly serve as Buena Park High School’s President for the 2020-2021 term! I am passionate about photography and journalism, I serve as my schools yearbook editor-in-chief and newspaper layout editor. I am keen in making this term one to remember! 


Grace Lee

Hello Rhinos! My name is Grace Lee and I serve as Buena Park Key Club's Vice President for the 2020-2021 term. I also serve as one of the Division Executive Assistants! In my free time, I like listening to music and bullet journaling! I'm so excited as to what we can accomplish in our clubs and division! :)

Vice President


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