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Ian Britton

Hi everybody! My name is Ian Britton and I am an upcoming senior and excited to serve as fundraising coordinator for the division in the 2020-2021 Term. I feel that I truly have a passion for service and for Key Club and can't wait to share that this year. Outside of Key Club and my other extracurricular activities, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, writing, and listening to music. I really want to have a great senior year with new friends and new memories and, more than anything, I want Key Club to be a part of that ! :)

Fundraising Coordinator

El Dorado Key Club

Club Board


Jamie Weisel

Hi division 30 north! I am gladly charging into service as El Dorado’s President! I have been in key club for 3 years now and I have previously served as a Vice President and as D30N Service project chair. When I am not doing key club things, you can catch me at band practices and performances, Science Olympiad competitions, doing artwork or on a sunny getaway with my family. I am looking forward to improving our home club throughout this term and serving in the best way I can!


Allyson Weisel

Hi Rhinos! I’m Allyson Weisel and I am happily serving as El Dorado’s Vice President and D30N’s Service Project Chair. I have previously served as Vice President for El Dorado’s Key Club, and I am happy to be adding the Service Project Chair position on top of that this year. When I am not busy serving our community with fellow Key Club volunteers, you can find me playing the trombone in band, competing in Science Olympiad competitions, making new films with my fellow advanced video classmates, or painting. I am so thankful to have this opportunity to serve our community and improve the lives of many individuals in society!

Vice President


Alyson Tsai

Hi Rhinos! I’m Aly and El Dorado’s Vice President for the ‘20-‘21 term :) I’m an avid napper and can sleep anywhere, anytime, and I’m a guilty addict of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. This will be my fourth year as an active member of Key Club and I am looking forward to continuing our service and expanding our club!

Vice President

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Ian Britton

Hi Everybody! My name is Ian Britton and I currently serve as one of the Division Fundraising Coordinators and the El Dorado KC Secretary. Besides Key Club, I love to watch Netflix and other streaming services, specifically movies with horrible plot and acting because they are fun to watch, and hang out with my friends. I can’t wait to have an amazing 2020-2021 Term and an amazing senior year with this division :) 



Emily Allsup

Hii Rhinos! I'm Emily and I serve as El Dorado Key Club's Treasurer! I like to listen to Jeremy Zucker and EDM. Let's have a fabulous time serving together this term! 


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Hannah Lee

Hey Rhinos! I’m Hannah Lee, your Division News Editor. I am an upcoming senior in El Dorado, and I am the one who makes the graphics and newsletters of our division! Some of my other extracurriculars include taekwondo, the College Board Ambassador Program, and band! We kicked off the new term in some uncertain times, but I am truly proud of how our division handled it, and how we’re continuing to serve our community. Let’s continue to serve our community together!


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