Amy Wang
Ian Britton
Hi everybody! My name is Ian Britton and I am an upcoming senior and excited to serve as fundraising coordinator for the division in the 2020-2021 Term. I feel that I truly have a passion for service and for Key Club and can't wait to share that this year. Outside of Key Club and my other extracurricular activities, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, writing, and listening to music. I really want to have a great senior year with new friends and new memories and, more than anything, I want Key Club to be a part of that ! :)
Fundraising Coordinator
Valencia Key Club
Club Board
Dylan Pathammavong
Hi i’m Dylan Pathammavong and I am a secretary in VHS Key Club. I will be a senior next year and hope to make this term one to remember.
Michelle Tran
Hey Rhinos! I'm Michelle Tran and I serve as Valencia High School's Secretary for the '20-'21 term! I spend most of my time playing soccer or jumping into a sand pit for track and field which is one of the best sports. This term is going to be super amazing and memorable, and I can't wait to experience all of it with you guys!
Khang Ho
Hi my name is Khang Ho and I am the bulletin editor of Valencia Key Club. I am really excited for the 2020-2021 school year and hope to plan out many events in the future. Let’s make this year memorable and fun together!
Helen Lim
Hi Rhinos! My name is Helen and I serve as Valencia High School’s Publicist. I love to travel and spend most of my time on netflix. I hope we have a great term!
Diya Kar
Hey rhinos!! I am Diya Kar and I will be serving as the Valencia Key Club president for the 2020-2021 term. I spend most of my free time networking for my nonprofit Jaggo and am addicted to boba! I hope this term will be the best one yet and full of fun filled initiatives.
Erin Kim
Hello Rhinos! My name is Erin Kim and I serve as a co-president for Key Club at Valencia High School. I hope we can make this term the most exciting and memorable one yet!
Cody Chen
Hey everyone! My name is Cody and I am Valencia Key Club's Vice President for the 2020-2021 year! I am so excited about this upcoming term and I can't wait to see what we all accomplish!
Vice President
Bulletin Editor