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Monthly Member Recognition  

Division 30 North Member Recognition Chairs answer the question:

How do members, officers, and clubs get recognition?

Anika Madan: My “process” is observing who comes to events and seeing the changes that each club is making. It’s more about observation and seeing their club Instagram or talking to members/officers to ask them what they’re up to. I like to focus on what they’ve done and what they’re planning on doing to see what goals they might have and how they’re trying to meet them too.

Yvonne Chen: At our DCMs, I would see who participated and stood out (in a positive way). On social media, I see which club, member, or officer posts and which ones have a passion that stands out.

Anh Nguyen


Member of the Month


Officer of the Month

Brea Olinda Key Club

Valencia Key Club.jpg

Club of the Month

Aimee Kwon

July 2020

Tiffany Vo


Member of the Month


Officer of the Month


Key Club

Valencia Key Club.jpg

Club of the Month

Ryan Esquivel

June 2020

Patrick Jimenez

Member of the Month

Alison Park.JPG

Officer of the Month

El Dorado

Key Club


Club of the Month

Alison Park

May 2020

Kalyn Nguyen


Member of the Month


Officer of the Month

Buena Park

Key Club

Valencia Key Club.jpg

Club of the Month

Jamie Weisel

April 2020

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