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Ian Britton

Hi everybody! My name is Ian Britton and I am an upcoming senior and excited to serve as fundraising coordinator for the division in the 2020-2021 Term. I feel that I truly have a passion for service and for Key Club and can't wait to share that this year. Outside of Key Club and my other extracurricular activities, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, writing, and listening to music. I really want to have a great senior year with new friends and new memories and, more than anything, I want Key Club to be a part of that ! :)

Fundraising Coordinator

La Habra Key Club

Club Board


Risa Kuraoka

Hi! My name is Risa Kuraoka and I am the ‘20-‘21 LHHS treasurer. I love my cat as much as I love sleeping and I can almost recite John Mulaney’s “New in Town” word for word. I’m super excited to meet everyone and I hope we can make good memories together!


Michelle Tran

Hello, everyone! My name is Michelle Tran and I'm the '20-'21 Bulletin Editor for LHHS Key Club. I enjoy spending my time listening to pop music and making all kinds of treats. My favorites to make are mochi, tteokbokki, and eggrolls. I'm always excited to try new things and I'm really looking forward to this term with everyone.


Ashley Esquerra

"Hey Rhinos! I'm Mark Eskandar and I serve as your Historian/ Social Media Coordinator for the '20-'21 term! I spend most of my time at the beach surfing and playing basketball. This term is going to be fun and memorable, and I can't wait to experience it with you guys!"


Lauren Krynen

What's up, D30N? My name is Lauren, and I'm La Habra's Key Club Historian for '20-'21! I like reading way too many books at once and putting salt on my cereal. I can't wait for this term and getting to work with you guys to make our world a better place!


Ryan Esquivel

Hi! My name is Ryan, and I am La Habra Key Club's President for the 2020-2021 term! In my free time, I like to watch Netflix and spend time with my nephews. I look forward to making a lasting impact on LH Key Club during my last year in high school!



Emma Garofalo

Hey everyone!! I'm Emma, the Vice President of La Habra High School's Key Club. I love to read and play the ukulele, and when there isn't a global pandemic, I enjoy playing water polo too. I'm super excited to work with everyone in order to continue to build up La Habra Key Club and make a difference in our community. 

Vice President


Sydney Esquerra

Hey Rhinos! I'm Sydney and I serve as your club Secretary for the '20-'21 term. I spend my time swimming, studying, and binge watching netflix. I am so excited for what this term may bring, and look forward to having a fantastic year. 


Bulletin Editor

Service Project Coordinator


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